- TSAC Dual Enrollment Grant (together in class) [Priority deadline August 20. Final deadline August 27]
- NSCC Online Application (on your own unless you have time in class) [Deadline was July 1]
- Participation Form & Hep B Immunization Form (paper form to fill out and requires parent signature) [Deadline August 20]
- Accuplacer Test (note you need to have already applied to NSCC to do this) [Deadline August 20]
Dual Enrollment (DE) classes provide an opportunity for students to earn both high school and college credit while enrolled in high school.
Dual Enrollment English: Hillsboro High School offers DE English III/IV in partnership with Nashville State Community College (NSCC). Juniors and seniors are eligible to take this class, which is taught by a Hillsboro teacher on Hillsboro’s campus as one of the eight classes on the student’s regular Hillsboro schedule. When a student successfully passes DE English III/IV, they earn high school credit for both English III and English IV as well as college credit at NSCC. DE English is a college-level class and earns advanced academic points (+1.0 on the weighted GPA). For more information, please see Dual Enrollment English Flyer, Nashville State Dual Enrollment Requirements and the NSCC Dual Enrollment Information. Please see the information below for requirements and steps for enrolling in Dual Enrollment English III/IV.
Other Dual Enrollment Options: Other DE classes are available on NSCC’s campus and virtually. If students choose this option, they are responsible for the enrollment and registration process and they should contact the NSCC Office of High School Programs and their HHS counselor as soon as possible. Only pre-approved DE coursework will be recorded on the high school transcript.
DE English Requirements and Enrollment Process
Dual Enrollment English has summer assignments, which are posted here!
STEP 1: Join Mrs. Pfleegor’s Remind ASAP. Text @dual2122 to 81010 or join on the Remind app.
STEP 2: Apply to Nashville State online. Carefully follow the Steps to Apply Online for Dual Enrollment.
***IMPORTANT: Use this special link to apply to NSCC after August 15: Special DE Application Link. The last deadline is August 20th!***
STEP 3: Take the DE English Placement Test: Go to the NSCC Accuplacer Registration website to register for the test. For Question 1, choose “Accuplacer.” For Question 8, choose the “Next Generation Reading and Next Generation Writing only” option. After you take the Accuplacer test, take a picture of your Accuplacer scores and send them to your HHS counselor and to Ms. Pfleegor.
To prepare for the Accuplacer tests, here is a practice Writing Placement Test and a practice Reading Placement Test. If you have questions about testing, please visit the NSCC Testing Website or contact testing.center@nscc.edu or call 615-353-3565.
STEP 4: Complete the Nashville State DE Enrollment Form and return it to Ms. Pfleegor or your counselor. This can wait until the Fall if needed.
STEP 5: Complete the Dual Enrollment Grant Application. The steps are below or this can wait until the Fall as well.
- Go to https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/collegepays/tsac-student-portal.html
- Click “Register”.
- Follow the steps to create an account (or login if you’ve applied for the DE Grant before). Save your username and password in your phone or on paper. You will need to use this again for college financial aid.
- Login to your account.
- Click “Apply for Scholarships” at the top left corner.
- Scroll down and select the “Dual Enrollment Grant 2021-22”.
- Complete and submit form.
- Select “Hillsboro High School – Nashville”, NOT Franklin.
- Select “Nashville State Community College” as college institution.
- You will see a confirmation it was submitted at the top of the screen. You do not need to print it.
Nashville State Dual Enrollment Contact Info:
- Main NSCC DE Email: highschoolprograms@nscc.edu
- Meghan Oliver (Director of Dual Enrollment): Meghan.Oliver@nscc.edu | 615.353.3269
- Michael Sztapka (High School Initiatives Specialist): Michael.Sztapka@nscc.edu | 615.353.3042
- Billie Sullivan (DE Specialist): Billie.Sullivan@nscc.edu | 615.353.3401